Our skilled dentists may recommend porcelain dental veneers to give you the picture-perfect smile of your dreams. This cosmetic treatment works to cover and correct the imperfections in your teeth, giving you a naturally beautiful and flawless final result.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells which are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. These shells are made of high-quality porcelain, ensuring final result that is naturally beautiful, stain-resistant and highly durable. Veneers are carefully designed to fit your teeth perfectly, eliminating the flaws in your teeth to give you the smile you have always wanted.

Dental veneers typically require two appointments to complete. At the first appointment, impressions are taken and your teeth prepared, and the correct shade of white for your veneers is selected. At the second appointment, Dr. Kevin Wolf or Dr. Larry Osborne will check that your veneers fit properly before bonding them into place to renew your smile and complete your treatment. Our practice also features CEREC technology, which may allow our dentists to create your veneers in a single visit, saving you time and helping you achieve a beautiful smile more quickly.

When Are Veneers Recommended?

Our dentists may recommend dental veneers to:

  • Close large gaps and spaces between your teeth
  • Improve the appearance of irregularly shaped teeth
  • Restore teeth that are broken, chipped, worn, fractured or otherwise damaged
  • Whiten teeth which are severely stained
  • Correct slightly crooked teeth

Schedule Your Consultation

Call Wolf and Osborne LTD today at 217-875-7600 to schedule your consultation with our dentists and learn if porcelain dental veneers in Decatur, Illinois, are right for you!